This project is invention from previous pedometer. Commercial pedometer now a days have some issue with accuracy. So, this project come out with benefit than other pedometer that commercially used.

a)      The pedometer is simple and easy to use. Commercial pedometer normally used, need to locate the pedometer properly to avoid from wrong reading. By using this project pedometer, the pedometer itself can be located anywhere and get the accurate reading or result.
b)      Other than that, the benefit of this pedometer is more accurate than other pedometer because it is using accelerometer compared to pendulum. Accelerometer detect motion in three direction X, Y, and Z.  

Lastly, the user can stored and check back the result of pedometer in computer and can analyze it time to time. This can be motivate people to achieve the target or mission. 



Figure 1: Flow chart



The sensor use is accelerometer which pick up signal from movement of a person. The signal is filter before microcontroller process it. The signal must be filter because the noise of the movement of a person. The microcontroller process the signal and transmitted data using Zigbee wireless to Pc for storage and display. Microcontroller use is ATMega 328 with arduino platform. Using Visual basic to display the data on PC or laptop. The display output on PC is:
1.      Total steps
2.      Speed of a user
3.      Calories burned
4.      Distance travelled



High-tech pedometers such as Nike+ use the same accelerometer technology as Nintendo Wii controllers, iPhones and automatic airbag deployment in cars-technology that has been available since the mid-2000s. Rather than a pendulum, these devices use piezoelectric crystals, which are microscopic materials that produce an electrical impulse when they are bent or compressed. When the exerciser takes a step, the piezoelectric materials bend, creating a small electrical current, which is then picked up by sensors and counted as a step. Piezoelectric pedometers also measure the amount of time that an exerciser's foot is on the ground and use this information to calculate speed and distance covered. The problem with this device is, it cannot replace the battery. When the battery dies, the user had to buy new one because the battery is non-replaceable and non-rechargeable. The life span of the battery is 1000 hours. 

    Figure 1: Nike+ ipod pedometer                                               



A pedometer is an intelligent electronic device that measures the distance travel by foot, either by walking or by running, which it does so generally by sensing a body motion. A pedometer is an easy-to-use and inexpensive device that may be clipped to the waist of clothes, worn on the wrist or put inside shoes. The British Health Foundation recommends that walk 10,000 steps a day to for long term health and reduced chronic disease risk. According to Dr James Hill, co-author of The Step Diet Book 6,000 steps is required to burn off the calories in a large portion of chips. But if a person wants to achieve successful and sustained weight loss then she/he needs to achieve a daily average of between 12,000 and 15,000 steps.

Week 5


In a modern lifestyle nowadays, there are lot of pedometer in the market such as Omron, Nike+ipod and many more. The pedometer used to measure many parameter such as total steps, calories burn, distance travelled and speed. Pedometer used as a motivational tool for people starting a walking program because walking promotes weight loss, improves cardiovascular fitness, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar and decreases the risk of chronic disease. The British Health Foundation recommends that walk 10,000 steps a day to for long term health and reduced chronic disease risk.