High-tech pedometers such as Nike+ use the same accelerometer
technology as Nintendo Wii controllers, iPhones and automatic airbag deployment
in cars-technology that has been available since the mid-2000s. Rather than a
pendulum, these devices use piezoelectric crystals, which are microscopic
materials that produce an electrical impulse when they are bent or compressed.
When the exerciser takes a step, the piezoelectric materials bend, creating a
small electrical current, which is then picked up by sensors and counted as a
step. Piezoelectric pedometers
also measure the amount of time that an exerciser's foot is on the ground and
use this information to calculate speed and distance covered. The problem with
this device is, it cannot replace the battery. When the battery dies, the user
had to buy new one because the battery is non-replaceable and non-rechargeable.
The life span of the battery is 1000 hours.
Figure 1: Nike+ ipod pedometer
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